Benefit of Small Business?

Have you ever scrunched yourself into the backseat of a car to hold up a light for a shot? We have. Have you ever tried to get a fog machine to work in the middle of a graveyard? We have! So, apart from those very compelling reasons, what is the benefit of working with small businesses? From an outside perspective, it feels trendy to do so. We feel better about ourselves knowing that we supported people who are doing something that they care about and are supporting the local economy. We feel good knowing that our money isn’t going to some big corporation. But what are the actual, practical benefits of working with a small business? As a small, lifestyle-focused, film boutique, we have worked almost exclusively with indie creatives, businesses, and entrepreneurs. We have learned just how beneficial it is to be able to work with someone who is of the same mindset as you. Larger companies and big corporations are in it for the paycheck. Small businesses do need to make money but the reason why they are willing to struggle a little more to get that money is that owning that business and working directly with people is something they care about. They care about building connections and relationships. At Lifestyled Media, we care about the work we are doing. We want it to be personal and authentic. We want our clients to feel satisfied with the work that we’ve done. 

Our Experience

A client that we have frequently worked with is a local poet. We work with him to create surrealist short films that share the underlying themes and messages of his poetry. As a creative individual himself, he always has a very clear vision and understanding of what he wants the project to look like. Our pre-production work with him involves multiple conversations about the poem, about the idea for the film, about the visuals he wants to have present in the piece. It is usually a months-long process of development. If he were working with a larger company then he would essentially be held to their timetable, but because we are a small business that values one on one brainstorming and connecting with the client, we are able to devote the time and energy that he needs to be able to work through the process and bring the idea to fruition. 


Why Small Business?

We learned very early on that we would operate best as a small business of our own. We had worked with larger companies before and we learned that we valued the freedom of making our own decisions. We valued the intimacy of working personally with a client and making them a part of the creative process. We liked doing all of the odd jobs that with a larger company you would need individual people to perform. Working with only a small team of people allowed us to be authentic in the work we were doing and allowed us to be able to share people’s stories. It also allowed us to keep our options open with the kind of work we do. We have the ability to continue to grow in our current skillset but also develop new skills and new niches. Hopefully, this has all been helpful in understanding what the benefits are to working with a small business. 

Our Takeaways

Be Personal, Be You. Authenticity is one of the best things that you can offer a client. When you can make a connection with your client then they will be more likely to trust you with their project. If they know you a little bit better, then they can feel comfortable offering you more of who they are. People First. Put the well-being of your client above all else. Respect their ideas, their individuality, and their boundaries. They have their own hopes and dreams and are supporting yours but trusting you with a part of their future. Give Your Best. Make every project count. Your client is counting on you so give it everything you have. There is a reason that you were chosen over a large company. They like the work you do, and they want you to give their project the time and attention it deserves.


Working as a small business allows greater freedom of time and creativity. It allows room for growth and improvements. It creates an opportunity for new and exciting experiences. It shows clients that you are made of persistence, independence, and tenacity. It opens the door for authentic connections with clients and crew. Working with a small business gives you the one-on-one time that your project and endeavor deserves. It gives you the opportunity to create a new connection and ensures that your time and money will be carefully considered and valued by someone else who understands just how important and valuable those are.


Edible Aesthetic


Finding your Passion. Or Not.